DEI training

We offer expert-designed and facilitated DEIB training, including:

  • Anti-Bias Training
  • DEIB Manager Training
  • Undermining Bias in Hiring Interviewer Training
  • Preventing Sexual Harassment Training
  • ERG Training
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Illustration of people sitting and conversing.
  • Anti-Bias Training

    One-off bias awareness-raising trainings are ineffective in changing biases or behaviors. Our anti-bias training program isn’t about raising awareness, it’s about actually changing biases and behaviors. It has a proven track record (we know because we measure) leading to increases in inclusion and belonging. And it’s robust enough to be your inclusion and belonging strategy for the entire year. Learn more about our research-based approach to DEI training.

    • A more inclusive company culture
    • Increased belonging for employees
    • Reduced employee biases
    • An inclusion plan for when the training is over

    Peoplism's Anti-Bias training gave our staff the tools and resources they needed to make space for one another, start a dialogue and create an environment of greater inclusion.

    DA Logo primary
    Amina Barnes
    Director of Operations
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  • DEIB Manager Training

    Managers have enormous impact on the everyday experiences of employees. But managers aren’t born with DEIB skills. Our training gives managers the skills they need to be effective leaders of diverse teams.

    • Increased equity, inclusion and belonging on teams
    • Managers know how to assign work equitably, give effective feedback, and avoid bias in performance evaluations
    • Managers upskilled with the tools to help team members feel supported, valued, and able to participate
    • Managers know what behaviours and practices increase psychological safety, authenticity and connection
    Our manager training modules include:
    • Group 249
      Inclusive Actions
    • Group 249
      Inclusive Team Culture
    • Group 249
      Managing for Belonging
    • Group 249
      Running Equitable Teams
    • Group 249
      Undermining Bias in Performance Reviews

    Peoplism’s manager training transformed how we lead people. Their trainings were approachable and applicable, valued by our people leaders, and impacted the entire organization.

    Image 13
    Sarah Hernandez
    Chief of Staff, LPFCH
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  • Undermining Bias in Hiring Interviewer Training

    Inclusive hiring is a team sport. It’s important that everyone involved in interviewing at your company has the skills to hire fairly and effectively, and ensure a positive candidate experience.

    • Interviewers understand the business imperatives for diversity
    • Increased awareness about how bias impacts the hiring process
    • Interviewers have tools for recognizing & counteracting common interview biases
    • Better candidate experience

    As a result of Peoplism's training and support, we’ve improved alignment between recruiting and hiring managers, reduced bias, and built a more diverse company.”

    Everlaw logo
    James Thomas
    Director of Recruiting
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  • Preventing Sexual Harrassment Training

    Serious about preventing sexual harassment? We’ve synthesized the research from organizational psychology, sexual violence prevention, gender, and bullying literature to identify the root causes of sexual harassment. Our training actually prevents sexual harassment and creates a more gender-fair culture. And, yes, it’s state compliant.

    • Reduce gender bias by challenging ideas about gender
    • Increase empathy by creating connections among employees of different genders
    • De-pair dominance & aggression from definitions of masculinity and success to create a healthier company culture
    • Correct sexual harassment myths to help employees understand the impact of sexual harassment on individuals and businesses
    • Empower bystanders to speak up against problematic behavior and create a culture that condemns sexism in all forms

    Peoplism's sexual harassment training not only kept people engaged, but most importantly provided us with useful tools for the organization to help prevent harassment and build a culture of awareness and action around this very prevalent problem.

    Meagan Soszynski
    SVP, People
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  • ERG Launch & Optimization Training

    Ready to reap the benefits of Employee Resource Groups on employee inclusion and belonging, but struggling to set up ERGs for success? Our ERG training program is the solution. We help you set up an inclusive and equitable ERG structure and help ERGs align around meaningful and productive initiatives.

    • ERGs infrastructure is set up in a fair and equitable way
    • ERG members have a clear vision and activity scope that aligns with your company’s overall DEIB vision
    • ERG members find greater reward in ERG involvement, and ERG leaders feel more supported

    Peoplism guided our employees who are passionate about DEI to channel their energy into focused initiatives that will make an impact for colleagues and clients. They provided expertise to enhance and focus our ideas.

    Carly Lippman
    Head of People

The key to successful DEI training is embedding it into a holistic DEI strategy. Peoplism can help your organization prioritize your training needs and deliver engaging, expertly facilitated training to upskill your people and bring you closer to your DEI goals.

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